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Fourth SPV Delivered to Kings Lynn Internal Drainage Board

April saw Spearhead Machinery hand over a brand new TWIGA SPV2 970XT to Kings Lynn Internal Drainage Board, making this the fourth Self-Propelled Vehicle now in use by the drainage board to keep the waterways in the Norfolk fens area free-flowing and clear of vegetation.

Spearhead’s Area Sales Manager, Jack Norton and Senior Service Engineer, Ian Haines were in attendance to ensure a smooth transfer, handing over the keys to Operations Manager, Gary Howe.

Confirming the reasons why the SPV was the machine of choice, Gary commented “As Operations Manager for Kings Lynn IDB choosing the right Plant and Machinery for our needs is very important”.

“We have to take every opportunity to maximise productivity from our machinery and have found a very real increase using both SPV 2 and SPV 3 machines due to their ability to work safely in both forward and reverse directions, with near perfect visibility of the cutting equipment from the rotating cab”.

“Long working days and the need to complete a lot of vegetation management works in a short period can take its toll on operators.  We find that the SPV cab’s flexibility also means our drivers are less fatigued at the end of a working day, which is very important to us”.

Antony Prince, Sales & Marketing Director commented “We’re proud to supply Kings Lynn IDB with their fourth SPV.  The special work that the IDB’s and these machines carry out around the areas of the UK that are susceptible to flooding is of huge importance to the local residents and surrounding environment and is testament to the product perfectly fitting the requirements for the job and operator.”

About the SPV

Sure footed and extremely stable with an ergonomically designed cab and 180 degrees of head rotation, the SPV really is the ultimate machine for versatility and quality.

With a choice of arm reaches from 8 to 17 metres, optional engine horsepower, selectable steering configurations and a host of arm attachments, the TWIGA SPV range is designed to meet every demand that you can throw at it.

For more information on the Self-Propelled Vehicle range click here.

About Internal Drainage Boards

Internal drainage boards (IDB’s) are public bodies that manage water levels in some areas where there is a special need for drainage. These areas are known as internal drainage districts (IDD). IDBs undertake works to reduce flood risk to people and property, and manage water levels for agricultural and environmental needs.

Today, there are 112 IDBs in England whose districts cover 1.2 million hectares (9.7% England’s landmass). They play a key role in reducing flood risk to over 600,000 people and nearly 900,000 properties. They operate and maintain over 500 pumping stations, 22,000 km of watercourse, 175 automatic weed screen cleaners and numerous sluices and weirs.

(Information taken from

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