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Spearhead Ireland Dealer Conference

Spearhead were pleased to welcome the newly created Spearhead Ireland Dealer network to an introductory conference at the City North Hotel, Meath on the 23rd March.

Organised by distribution partner, H. Fulton Tractors the event marked the beginning of a new dawn in Ireland for the Spearhead brand following a total overhaul of the dealer network.

The newly formed dealer network was addressed by Antony Prince, Spearhead’s Director of Sales and Marketing who was on hand to present an overview of the Spearhead business and a detailed appraisal of the Spearhead product range. Further presentations were also made by H. Fulton Tractors Marketing Manager, Peter McMullan who introduced the new approach to Spearhead business in Ireland offered by the Dungiven based firm.

Howard Fulton commenting on the recent changes advised “We have set about creating a much more streamlined dealer network throughout Ireland, reducing selling dealers from approximately 50 to 12. I hope that this will encourage more opportunity amongst the dealers to make viable sales whilst affording Spearhead more of the dealers time as we become a more attractive partner”.

Antony Prince confirmed “The H. Fulton tractors team have set about developing Spearhead business in Ireland in a proactive manner. I am pleased that so quickly after the recent changes in our distribution we have been able to assemble a positive dealer network and pull them all together here today to focus on the opportunities that the new structure presents”.

H. Fulton tractors will be actively promoting Spearhead alongside the new dealer network at this year’s Balmoral Show and the latter National Ploughing Championships. Alongside these key events Spearhead will also have an increased presence at many local events throughout the year.

For further information on Spearhead products in Ireland or to contact your local dealer please visit

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